
So you wanna learn how to pirate your textbooks? Or just books in general? Lucky for you it is extremely easy!

Pirating books is most often contained on websites that allow you to download pdf files or epub files of the book you want to pirate. We will not be covering torents as they can be a little confusing and are most times not nessecary to find what you are looking for. Below are some websites that have tons of books to pirate from.

(P.S. make sure to right-click and open the links in a new tab to stay on this page, if any of the links are no longer working, try typing the names of the websites into google, you might be able to find them that way!)


Always remember to stay safe while browsing these sites, use adblockers, VPN's and burner emails to help safely browse these sites, obviously never enter personal detais or god forbid payment details to these sites, you should never need to give any of those things away.

It is also possible to pirate books from websites that allow you to rent books, like and many others, however this is defenitely more complex than just downloading a file, so I will not be explaining how to do it here, there are plenty of good guides on reddit and other forums where you can find out how to do these things, use terms like "DeDRM" and "DRM breaking" as starting points if you'd like to do your own research.

There are other options besides these sites, however these sites tend to be reliable and have a very large selection in comparison to the others, there are also some subreddits that are centred around piracy and may help you find a book that you are looking for, some of these subreddits are r/textbook_piracy and r/Piracy

When pirating books, it is often a good idea to stay off of the universities wifi (or any facility you dont want prying into your searches), 99% chance nothing bad will happen if you do, but there is always a chance you may be reprimanded by your facility while pirating, this goes for everything, not just books. This is extra important if you live on campus in a residency, as they can find you much easier if they detect site traffic that they dont appreciate. You can stay off the university wifi by simply using a VPN like Nord or SurfShark (Nord and Surfshark are your best options as they have been audited and have zero logs meaning its confirmed that they do not save your data). Another option is by hotspotting your device with a mobile hotspot if you have the Cell Data to spare, or just pirating on your phone using your data instead of the wifi, however if on your phone, using the wifi should not be much of an issue considering how immpossible it would be for a university to find you based on your phone.

There will be times where all of these websites are missing material, in cases like those, you can always try and use the previous edition of the book you are looking for, for example, these websites do not have the 10th edition of "The Cosmic Perspective", however they do have the 9th; what you can do is simply use the 9th edition, the content should be generally the same as the publishers tend to make a new textbook every three or so years to generate more money from uni students, science does not advance fast enough for the new content to be very important. If you are insistent (like myself) on getting the correct edition, you can reach me at and request a book, I can most likely sell you the book for much cheaper than the publisher, it also helps support me!

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